The near-death experience of Chris Kito
The near-death experience of Chris Kito
Chris Kito explains how his near-death experience happened, and to what extent it has changed his vision of life and death.
Chris Kito explains how his near-death experience happened, and to what extent it has changed his vision of life and death.
Nassim Haramein has spent over 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations.
He explains that matter is mostly made up of vacuum, but that this vacuum structure is actually full of energy, and connects all the particles of the universe between them. He shows how this fundamental geometry of space could allow the mastering of gravity and pave the way for an ascension, both technological and spiritual.
His website:
Jeff Olsen explains how he had a near-death experience, and why it has changed his vision of life and death.
His website:
Suresh Ramaswamy, author and entrepreneur, explains his discovery of deeper truths. He now teaches people how they can transform their life so they find who they truly are, and can live their highest potential as infinity.
His website:
Bill McDonald explains how he had 3 near-death experiences, and why it has changed his vision of life and death.
His website:
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